Shambhala Art 5 Part Intensive
Art is something vital which everyone has the potential to actualize. It's a way of seeing and being and can become a path of awakening to our highest potential. Taught in English. Translation upon request.
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Los Angeles, CA
Shambhala Art can be seen as a process, a product, and an arts education program. As a process, it brings wakefulness and awareness to the creative and viewing processes through the integration of contemplation and meditation. As a product, it is art that wakes people up. Shambhala Art is also an international non-profit arts education program based on the Dharma Art teachings of the late Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, the founder of Shambhala Buddhism, Shambhala International, and Naropa Institute. Shambhala Art is a division of Shambhala and is presided over by his son and heir, Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche. This program is taught by trained and authorized Shambhala Art teachers.
Art is something vital which everyone has the potential to actualize. It's a way of seeing and being and can become a path of awakening to our highest potential. Taught in English. Translation upon request.
La beauté : est-elle réelle ou imaginée? Rejoignez-nous pour un exercice de contemplation et une exploration de cette question difficile.
Celem Shambhala Art jest odkrywanie źródła procesu kreatywnego oraz tego, co nazywamy sztuką z punktu widzenia dyscyplin medytacyjnych. Nauki Shambhala Art dotyczą paradoksu pomiędzy dyscypliną a grą; uniwersalnej natury kreatywności i komunikacji. Program, na poziomie doświadczalnym, odkrywa co znaczy widzieć rzeczy takimi, jakimi są, a także w jaki sposób możemy odnaleźć źródło inspiracji i jego przejawienia oraz jak może to wpływać na naszą codzienną praktykę łączenia się z wielobarwnością naszego świata.