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Los Angeles, CA

Shambhala Art can be seen as a process, a product, and an arts education program.  As a process, it brings wakefulness and awareness to the creative and viewing processes through the integration of contemplation and meditation.  As a product, it is art that wakes people up. Shambhala Art is also an international non-profit arts education program based on the Dharma Art teachings of the late Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, the founder of Shambhala Buddhism, Shambhala International, and Naropa Institute.  Shambhala Art is a division of Shambhala and is presided over by his son and heir, Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche. This program is taught by trained and authorized Shambhala Art teachers.

Square One Issues

Volume 4, Issue 1 (Winter 2019)

Stuart Rice

Volume 4, Issue 1.png

The theme of this issue is Pacifying. In our invitation for this issue we invited potential submitters  to consider how they begin the creative process, and how they work with the idea of pacifying or clarifying.

This issue features pieces and interviews from Miriam Hall, Gordon Wood, Pyx Sutherland, Steve Saitzyk, r. fox, and Sarah Lipton.

Read this issue.